Code of discipline for students
NB. “He‟ includes “She” and “Parent” includes “Guardian‟
1. Attendance
School hours – Grade 1 – 7.30 am to 01.00 pm
Grades 2-13 – 7.30 am to 01.40 pm
(i) Students should be punctual. Coming late to school is highly discouraged and the students arriving late will be given „late points‟ by the prefects and may result in punishment if continued as per the rules and regulation of the management.
(ii) Students are expected to attend school on all scheduled school days. A valid “excuse letter”, giving reasons for absence and signed by a parent/guardian, must be submitted to the class teacher in the SRB. (even for one day‟s absence). Students should not stay away from school for trivial reasons.
(iii) A student may only be absent due to illness or family emergency or for a reason previously explained to the principal or the class teacher. In case of absence due to illness lasting three days or more, or if the student has suffered from an infectious disease, a medical certificate (in addition to the excuse letter) should be submitted to the class teacher.
(iv) Students, who need to be away from school for any reason other than illness, should obtain prior permission from the Principal.
(a) Absence from school to attend weddings or birthday parties or to go on pilgrimages or trips is strongly discouraged.
(b) In case of a long period of stay overseas, written permission should be obtained from the Principal for the period of leave at least two weeks priorto the date of departure. Such long leave would be granted only when the tuition fees for the entire period of leave have been paid.
(c) Requests for leave for holidays abroad will not be granted during the term. Other requests for overseas leave during term would be considered on a case by case basis by the Principal, and granted if there is an urgent requirement.
(d) If any student gets absent from school for any function of the school his parents will be required to give satisfactory explanations to the principal in writing for such absence.
(v) Students are not permitted to stay away from school prior to end of term exams and on days following the exams. Appropriate study leave will be granted toOrdinary Level and Advanced Level students.
(vi) If a student is absent from school on a particular day, he will not be allowed to participate in any classes, extra-curricular or sports activities scheduled after school, on that day.
(vii) If a child falls ill at home, a parent should write in the SRB. (medical chart)whether, when and what medication was given. . If a student falls ill in school, before any medication is given the school will contact the parent. If any medication is given by the school it will be written in the SRB Casualties. If a student meets with an accident in school it will be recorded in the SRB. If it is aserious matter the school will contact the parents immediately.
2. Early departure
(i) Once a student comes to school in the morning, she should not leave the schoolpremises on any condition, unless she has been granted written permission by the school authorities. In case of emergencies or prior commitments, a letter requesting permission to leave school at a specified time (signed by parent/guardian) must be submitted, and approval obtained from the Principal/Vice Principal. Once permission is granted, that will be mentioned in the SRB, which should be submitted at the security post. Parent/Guardian accompanying the student, should “sign her out” at the main office.
(ii)If a parent wants to take away a student early from school he must make an entry inthe S.R.B. leaving school without permission since during school hours are not allowed.
3. Dress code
Girls: – Shirt and skirt
Plain black shoes & white socks.
Boys – Shirt and short (Grades 1-6)
Shirt and long pair of trousers (Grades 7-13)
Plain black shoes & white socks.
(i) All the students are required to wear the official school uniform for school sessions
(ii) Girls who have longer hair than shoulder length may tie and plait their hair only in purple ribbons. Tinting of hair/ Fancy hairstyles, plaits, hair bands, clips or shoes are not permitted. The length of skirt should not be above the knee. A whitepetticoat or vest and underskirt must be worn with the school uniform.
(iii) Boys should make sure that their hair is tidy and cut short but not shaved or bald. (iv) Students may not wear jewelry other than simple ear-studs. A small patterned motif either in gold or silver or a precious or semi-precious single stone worn only on the ear lobes. No gypsy earrings or fancy earrings are permitted to be worn with the uniform.
(iv) Students may not wear jewelry other than simple ear-studs. A small patternedmotif either in gold or silver or a precious or semi-precious single stone worn onlyon the ear lobes. No gypsy earrings or fancy earrings are permitted to be worn with the uniform.
(v) In the event it is imperative that a student needs to wear a religious or blessed talisman/medal, a letter requesting permission must be submitted and approval obtained from the principal/vice principal. If permission is granted the blessed talisman/medal should be preferably worn/pinned (in a black code) inside theuniform. This must be discussed with the Sectional Head. Wearing any kind of a necklace other than that is not allowed.
(vi) Nails should be trimmed; nail polish, streaking and colouring of hair are not permitted.
(vii) Students when given permission to come to school in a dress other than the schooluniform should be appropriately dressed. Extravagant hairstyles and provocative or outlandish clothing will not be permitted.
(viii) PE kit should be worn only on days that PE is held. Students attending any school function may wear school t shirt.
(ix) Students should not attend tuition classes in school uniform. Written permission should be sought from the Principal to leave the school premises in clothes other than the school uniform.
(x) Students should not be seen after school hours at public places in uniform evenwhen accompanied by parents. In order to avoid such a situation, all students are advised to carry a T-shirt in their school bags.
(xi) Students while in school uniform are prohibited visiting Public places such as Police station/Bus Halts/ Courts etc.
(xii) Students should not (or permit any other person known to them to) display, postand/or circulate any photographs of themselves or any other Boswell Collegestudent in their school uniform or any other attire which indicates that they are from Boswell College. This is applicable to all circumstances including all social media networks and other electronic media. (Particularly internet applicationsused through mobile phones and computers, eg: Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram).
4. Academic
(i) Students found cheating at exams will be given zero marks and will be given anappropriate punishment by the Principal. Students who allow others to copy fromthem will receive the same punishment.
(ii) Plagiarism or taking another‟s work and intentionally presenting them as one‟s own without proper attribution is not allowed.
(iii) No student should sit for any public examination or register as a student in anyprofessional institution without prior permission from the Principal.
(iv) Children should take prior permission from the school before taking part in anyactivity outside the school. E.g.: Writing articles to the Newspaper or wheninterviewed by the Press/Media/Reality shows.
(v) The Principal must be notified in writing of any subject change and her approval must be obtained before making a change.
(vi) Students are not permitted to obtain private tuition from any member of the Boswell College Staff.
5. Permission to participate in afterschool and outside activities.
(i) A letter of permission/consent from the parent/guardian will be required in respect ofstudents participating in:
a) school trips.
b) school functions after school hours.
(ii) Grade two upwards sports activities are compulsory. If a student doesn‟t participate in any sports activity the parent should meet the relevant teacher and explain.
(iii) Students participating in public performances not organized by Boswell College (concerts, plays etc.) or in other activities/competitions (sports), independently (i.e. not as a representative of Boswell College), should seek written permission from the Principal before the event.
(iv) In the event Boswell College enters a student/team for a competition, tournament or any activity, other Boswell College students, cannot represent anotherinstitution privately in competition with the Boswell College Team or individual student.
(v) Any child who remain after school for co- curricular activities should not leave thepremises till the activities are over, unless with the express written permission granted of the Principal/Director/ Deputy Principal. No child should remain after school hours in he is not taking part in such activities.
(vi) In order to participate in any athletic event, co-curricular activity, scheduledschool activity or practice, students must be on time and attend all scheduled classes on the days of the activity.
6. Security
(i) Students waiting to be picked up after school could remain inside the main front gateuntil 2:15 p.m. Thereafter they must remain within the school premises till they arepicked up. After 5:30 p.m. children are not permitted to be in the “front area” and should stay in the visitors‟ area. Accordingly they should then be picked up from the front gate.
(ii) All persons (parents/domestic aides and students of other schools and adults) entering the school premises from the gate must enter their particulars in the Register maintained at the Security Post at that gate and sign out when leaving.
(iii) No past pupils (Schools leavers) can enter the school premises without permission.Permission must be granted contacting the school office before arrival and must attend in school t-shirt only. No school leaver is supposed to enter the classrooms during school hours without the permission of the principal.
(iv) Students are not permitted to use the office/ principal‟s office entrance at any time unless otherwise instructed.
7. General rules and guidelines
1. At the first stroke of the bell at 7.25 a.m. all must fall in line immediately and formthe lines for the prayers and subsequently move silently to their class rooms.
2. While in school all the students must speak only in English at all times. Students may use Sinhala, Tamil, French or Japanese during non-academic situations or in respective language classes only.
3. As a gesture of respect and in accordance with tradition students are expected to stand up for a member of staff.
4. Students must respect the authority of the Prefects.
5. Students must abstain from using profane, obscene, abusive or slanderous language.
6. Silence must be observed in the corridors and on the stairs during class hours. They should not be found talking between periods. Disruptive behavior such as shouting running in corridors and the school grounds (expect during sports activities) or unruliness is not allowed.
7. Walking around school during class times is not permitted. Advanced Level students who have free periods should spend their time in the Library.
8. Students will be held responsible for any damage to, or loss of books borrowed from the school Library or any text books given by the school.
9. Students are expected to respect school property, the property of others and they must not deface them in anyway. Writing or scribbling on walls and desks, benches or anywhere else is strictly prohibited. They will be held financially responsible for the replacement of the items which are lost or damaged through negligence or lack of care.
10.Unauthorized use of equipment/ machinery is not allowed. Students are not forbidden to bring items that are not used in learning activities. (Toys, i-Pods, CDs, DVDs, pen drives, laser pointers, cassettes, knives, razor blades, cameras, jewelry and etc.). If any student is found carrying such items in the school premises, those will be confiscated.
11.The students‟ record book (SRB) will be issued annually to every student at the beginning of each academic year. It must be brought to school every day. The Parents must check the SRB. regularly to make sure that all information required has been correctly entered. It is the duty of every parent and student to take steps to prevent the loss of the relevant SRB. Loss of any must be promptly reported to the school office and must obtain a new copy.
12.No books (other than Text or Library books), newspapers, magazines, or any literature of an unacceptable nature must be brought to school. Any objectionable literature found in possession of the student justifies dismissal. If any such item needs to be brought in for any purpose, prior approval should be obtained from the Sectional Head and such items should be kept in the school office before and after use.
13.Mobile Telephones cannot be used or brought into the school during the period the student is in school. A written request must be furnished by the parent/guardian if for any reason a mobile phone needs to be brought into school. The phone should then be handed over to the school office as soon as the student enters the school premises at the start of the day and collected just before the student leaves the school at the end of each day. Mobile phones found in the possession of students during school hours will be confiscated and returned after three months to the parent.
14.The school shall not be responsible for books, money, clothes and other articles that are lost. Students must look after their own objects.
15.Pupils are answerable to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school. Hence misbehaviors in public places are punishable. Every student should endeavor to keep up high tone of the school, by excelling in good manners and deportment.
16.Students travelling to and from school by any method of transport private or public are expected to maintain the highest standard of behaviour and not to cause any annoyance to members of the public or bring disrepute to the school.
17.Any student, whose conduct is found to be unsatisfactory by word or deed, in or outside the school during term or vacation and thereby brings the school into disrepute, may be discontinued from the school as decided by the Principal.
18.Smoking, use of drugs and consumption of liquor or any other banned substances within the school premises or outside is completely forbidden. Encouraging and/or being in vicinity of others involved in the above are also not allowed.
19.Tardiness, aggressive behavior, truancy, discourtesy, dishonesty and dress code violations are not permitted.
20.Fighting, physical violence and bad language are not permitted. Students of any age could be suspended or expelled from school if caught in these anti-social activities.
21.Extortion is not allowed. Extortion is an act of attempting to secure money, property, and other gains through the threat of physical harm.
22.Insulting, verbally abusing, threatening, bullying or in some other manner mistreating other students is not allowed. This behavior includes racial, religious, and ethnic slurs.
23.Insubordination is not allowed. Students will be considered insubordinate if they refuse to follow the instructions of any staff member.
24.Gifts to teachers and administrative staff are not permitted.
25.Verbal, written or physical conduct of a sexual nature is not allowed. Public displays of affection are considered inappropriate.
26.Signing someone else‟s name or altering an excuse letter or pass ,falsifying or tampering with absence notes admit slips, registers, report cards or other documents are not allowed.
27. Cheating and stealing is not allowed. Taking someone else‟s property without permission is not allowed.
28. The use of correction fluid (Tipex) is not allowed.
29.Chewing gum and bubble gum are not allowed in school.
30.Littering the school buildings and grounds is prohibited.
31.Tattoos are not allowed.
32.There will be no official school socials unless written notice is sent by the Principal.
33.From grade 8 and above, going to parties organized among students is not allowed.
34.Students may not participate in any fashion shows other than that which may be organized by the school as an extra-curricular project. Modeling or appearing in any type of advertisement is not allowed.
35.Students are not permitted to visit night clubs, discos or go for hotel dances while they are on the school roll, even accompanied by parents or adults. Parents should make sure that children adhere to this rule.
36.Students are not allowed to be in any social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and etc.
37.As Boswell College is a non-assisted, Private School, the running of the school is totally dependent on School Fees; paying school fees on time will be highly appreciated. A discount will be granted for payment of fees for the entire year before a predetermined date, the rate of discount will be duly notified to parents at the beginning of the first term.
(a) A surcharge of 10% per term will be levied if fees are not paid by the payment due date as specified for each term.
(b) Term Reports may be withheld if fees remain unpaid on the last day of each term.
(c) Students who have not paid fees for the preceding term will not be allowed to sit end of term examinations.
(d) In the event a student wishes to leave Boswell College, the parent/guardian must inform the school authorities in writing. Fees will be payable up to end of the term in which the student leaves. If a student stays away from school without written notice of leaving, fees will be billed and payable as usual.
38. Issuing of the students‟ documents (birth certificates, result sheets, leaving certificates, character certificates and etc.) will be conducted during school hours only.
(a) The parent of the guardian must fill out the request form for issuing any students „documents and will be proceed after one week of the request date.
(b) If a student wishes to enter the curricular and co- curricular achievements in his character certificate he must submit his achievement book along with the request.
(c) No request forms are granted during vacation and afterschool.
8. Disciplining a Student
i. Students will be given late points/black marks/detention even suspension for badattendance, bad work or bad conduct. The purpose of this is to correct a student who is slacking in his work or misbehaving and to keep the parents/guardians informed.
ii. Disciplining a student by a member of the staff or by the administration will involve, warning detention, referral, suspension and expulsion.
(a) Warning –
(b) Detention
Supervised detention will be held afterschool, during which time the student will complete the work set by a member of the staff. A detention notice will be sent in the SRB to the parents even at least 24 hours in advance. The parent should sign and return such a notice. Detention should be given priority over other preferred activities of the student as it is a corrective action and not an optional invitation for work to be completed at the student‟s convenience Students may be detained after school or on Saturdays after giving prior notice, as decided by the Principal.
(c) Referral
When the teacher concerned feels that warnings and detention have not worked, such students will be referred to the Principal for further disciplinary action and parents will be notified. The parents must report to the office immediately after they are informed by the school.
(d) Suspension
A student may be suspended by the administration from all school activities immediately and without prior notice to the parents. Parents will be informed immediately of the suspension by the Principal/ Director/ deputy Principal with reasons for such actions. A student suspended from school must return to school accompanied by the parent/guardian only. During the period of suspension, a student is not permitted to attend any classes, to participate in any co-curricular activities or to return to school premises for any reason. Sometimes without suspension, detention will be given i.e. (One day of suspension = 5 days of cleaning detention)
(e) Expulsion
A student who has been suspended twice is liable for expulsion on the third offense. A student may be expelled for serious offenses, delinquent behavior or for repeated infractions of school regulations. An expulsion forms part of the permanent record of the dismissed student.
iii. If a student is unwilling or unable to abide by the Code of Discipline of the school, his place in the school is questionable and could result in suspension or expulsion.
iv. When a student is disciplined by the school under as per the rules and regulations of the school (especially 8 -2 (d) or (e), that will be mentioned in his/ her character certificate therefore students are highly recommended to obey the rules and regulation of the school.
v. For breach of any school rules, a student may be punished at the discretion of the principal.
Student counsellors and disciplinary officers are there to handle all disciplinary issues of the students and to ensure peace and harmony amongst students coming from different backgrounds.
There is also a well established internal disciplinary procedure to handle any complaints from other interested parties
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